Thursday 10 January 2013

Task 5

Essay plan
Despite the fact that we're supposedly living in a post feminist society, why are female characters in contemporary US shows such as "The Big Bang Theory" still being negatively represented?

"Female jealousy is an evolutionary fact, Lemon. If you try to breed it out of them, you wind up with a lesbian with hip dysplasia"-30 rock
"I am trying to guide a 14-year-old. Maybe I could help her realize some other life goal. To become a doctor’s nurse or a lawyer’s mistress or even the president of the United States Shopping Association."-30 rock

My critical investigation will focus particularly on female representation within US sitcoms, As television is a example of liberal pluralism as within television there are shows which appeal to different groups and represent different groups, however television over the years still perpetuate certain stereotypes and the biggest is the negative representation of women . As within books, articles etc we have heard how the 21st century is the era to gender equality and female liberation. For example we have movies which are with female protagonists or tv shows that are female centric, and are successful. However my argument is that even today there are tv shows that perpetuate negative stereotypes of females and how US television plays a important part in this as "Americanisation" is a big part of the media and of our lifestyle, and many of the values portrayed in the shows have been accepted by audiences and have become a part of our life. Referring to my hypothesis, in where i believe females are negatively represented as because of how the media is still male dominated for example there is a higher proportion of male writers, and we are watching shows with their values in it. And to support my hypothesis i will be using the big bang theory as my maim example as how it is a contemporary text and a popular US sitcom aswell. Where we can discuss Pennys representation but also how Amy's and Benerdettes characters are shown to represent positive female representation, but however just fall into the tv trope of reterosexism. Furthermore i will also use historical texts for example bewitched etc to see whether female representation has really improved? Or is it just shown to have improved in order to achieve a larger female audience? (A,R,S)

Sitcoms over the years 
even though my main text is a contemporary text, if we compare it to historic texts such as Bewitched we can see how the representation of women has improved and how much of it hasn't. (Zeitgeist)
-As how Bewitched was a show that took place in the 1960-1970, if we look at SHEP during the 1960-1970 there was a improvement in women's position during that decade,as they became more independent and more career oriented. But also there was a increase in negative aspects to society, as we saw less women have children,increase in crime rate and increase in inflation, so as relating to women's position in society we can see that bewitched is actually "demonising" women in the sense they are the "witches" of society as they are going out of the stereotype, and it can also refer to how all american women should go back to the norm of being the typical housewife.  (R,H,E,S)

-Also throughout the first episode of when the husband finds out his wife is a witch he asks his friends for advice, where instead taunting comments are made by the friends saying how "all women" are witches.which brings the question up  of, as how the writer and director is male is he trying to refer to his thoughts of women (showing his prejudice thoughts) or he is parodying the views of American society during that time, relates to the quote “dream through the dreams of men”, ‘make herself object’ and ‘renounce her autonomy (Jenainati Cathia, Groves Judy: Introducing Feminism (2007). (R,A,S)

- (R,S)

-Darrin and in Big Bang theory Leonard is the victim from the female mind games and how men suffer from never understanding the complicating women. Relating it to SHEP we see how in today's society women are seen has more liberated and we are in the "third wave of feminism" and how women are proud of their sexuality and like to flaunt it however we can say that even today American society is conservative as for example the idea of "retro sexism" (tv tropes article) and how all these old sexist views of women are just presented in a contemporary way, for example how Benerdette and Amy don't fit the typical stereotype of a "perfect american women" and are hence shunned by men and society and are isolated by men. Which shows Zeitgeist and how over the time women's characters have changed but the representation of women hasn't changed. (S,R,H,A)

Tv tropes in the sitcoms
Stereotypes over the years in tv shows have a big contribution as to why certain female representations take place today. As when certain stereotypes are repeated it becomes "tropes", and due to these tropes society start to accept the representations and we then have these neagtive images as the norm. For example the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope, “Let's say you're a soulful, brooding male hero, living a sheltered, emotionless existence. If only someone — someone female — could come along and open your heart to the great, wondrous adventure of life...It's Manic Pixie Dream Girl to the rescue!”. The manic pixie dream girl is every male characters dream. She’s the funny and pretty character. But this isn’t the best representation of women, as this character is put in the show just for the males satisfaction and doesn’t really have a quality input to the story line, as how the sad, hurt and injured male needs a lovely woman in his life to spark him up so he can go out there and save the world again. For example in big bang theory we have Leonard who is a smart guy but has a low self-esteem, however later enters penny who sparks up Leonards life and then becomes the character that is most wanted by women. Where penny is a perfect representation of a manic pixie dream girl as we never really  have an idea about her family etc., and she only helped change Leonard so he can go back in the “real world” and live up to his “full potential”. This can give a explanation of why females are still negatively represented in the Sitcoms, as over the years the same stereotype is being represented as for example in New Girl aswell Zooey dechannel "the sweet girl next door" is the perfect girl who gives advice to her 3 other male house mates which again shows how she is the manic pixie dream girl and gives them advice so the men can be "saviours" of society. Also we can say that female audiences have seen so many examples of the manic pixie dream girl, the stereotype has become a norm and now female audiences accept the role (identify) with the role and aspire to be like that, which the results in females behaving the same way in society and men expecting that behaviour from each female. (A,R,S,H,T)

Furthermore in US sitcoms another huge issue with female representation, is also the higher proportion of male casts. “Well, commercial television -- what did I expect? The surprise is that public television, for all its superior intelligence, charm and commitment to worthy values, short changes preschool girls, too”
The article talks about smurfette principal and how in US contemporary TV there are shows where there is a high disproportioned gendered cast. Where the show will have a higher proportion of male characters to female, and the only female character will be highly stereotyped of negatively represented. For example New Girl Zooey Dechanel lives with 3 other guys in the apartment and she is the main protagonist however she is highly stereotyped when it comes to behaviour and her clothing. This fits in with the idea as how females are still be negatively represented. As this also has a effect on female audiences as if they watch this show they feel they want to aspire to be like her hence taking her clothing style and behaviour on board. (T,S,A,R)

Female representation in contemporary shows (other texts)

"Men infantilize women and women tear each other down.". Said Tiny Fey in the episode of "TGS hates women". This episode was absolutely perfect in reflecting the contemporary US sitcoms views on women and societies view on women. As we see through out the episode characters make comments such as "my dream, is to create a kids shows that promotes illiteracy in little girls"- this shows how the sitcom is parodying certain aspects of the media, for example how kid shows promote negative representations of women and how girls from a young age are taught to be sexualised- "Taught  from a young age that they should be sexy,edgy and seek male attention". furthermore we can see that How us sitcoms effect young girls to then later  behave in that sexualised way in society, hence starting this cycle of negative representation. (R,S)


Within all contemporary US sitcoms we see majority family and heterosexual ideologies being portrayed within the shows. As emphasis on these ideologies reflect that society even today is quite conservative as in the documentary in BBC2 it was said by writers/directors, that things that are happening in soceity will be potrayed in the shows so audiences feel they not only gain escapism but also to some extent relate to the situations. As if society like conservative values then it will be portrayed in the shows for example in 30 rock Tina Feys character who is a middle aged woman and is unmarried, does get joked about by her colleagues,which can show a paradoy of american society and how they believe after a certain age women should be married, and how your appearance is important. - "Women are portrayed in all media as being primarily involved in relationship and men are more often portrayed in the context of their careers"-- refelcting the traditional conservative view of society that has been in shows for many years, as this has become the norm of society and going out the stereotype makes society rejecting the view. This shows how in 30 rock tina feys character is different as "American sitcoms of the modern era, in contrast with other so-called ‘women’s’ shows that target a female audience through their female leads, yet have no women in prominent creative or editorial positions"  even though tina fey is shown to be in a "boss" like position in the company she still goes through problems such as being stereotyped and still have a sexist boss, that represents the patriarchy in society and in the media industry and the reason for why women are still negatively stereotyped.  (R,I,S,H,A)


in conclusion US sitcoms continue to negatively represent females due to societies beliefs and acceptances  As also due to patriarchy within society and the media industry. As if we look today 90% of sitcoms are written and directed by men and watching the shows directed/written by men we are watching a sense of their reality and as using cultivation theory by repeating these images and values  audience believe and accept them as to be the norm. Furthermore due to these negative representation  women aspire and identify with these negative representation and then tend to accept and imitate these traits and then making a cycle of women behaving like that in society.  ( S,H,R,A)

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