Wednesday 23 January 2013

Tutorial targets 11/1/13

- Find Quote from BBT for title
- don't use my or I
- More Quotes for bibliography (issues/debates/theory)
-Textual analysis on "big bang theory"

 BBT quotes
"Women. Delightfully mysterious or bat-crap crazy"

"You got her to have sex with you. Obviously your superpower is brainwashing"

"Well she was engaged to my cousin while she was sleeping with my brother, so shes kind of family"

"Look you are a great guy, and it is the things you love that make you who you are.. I guess that makes me large breasts"

"i don't know how, But she is cheating! nobody can be that attractive and this good at a video game"

Penny:" Hey guys my friends and i got tired of dancing so we came over to have sex with you"

"Sometimes stuff just happens and there's nothing you can do about it. For example, Lisa Peterson hasn't talk to me since the eleventh grade because no matter
 how much you apologize you can't go back and un-dryhump someone's boyfriend". 

"Hello, Penny. I realize you’re currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges, but as you have an entire lifetime of poor decisions ahead of you, may I interrupt this one?"

"Interesting. Sex works even better than chocolate to modify behaviour  I wonder if anyone else has stumbled onto this?"

"I asked myself, what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable and three answers came to mind: Toll booth attendant, Apple Store Genius and what Penny does"

More quotes for bibliography 

Propp- Cinema: A visual anthropology 
"Propp concluded tat there were thirty one narrative units and eight character types. The eight types include the hero, the villain  the princess the donor, the magical helper, the dispatcher, these roles are sometimes distributed among various characters and sometimes one character plays more then one role" - Page 54

Olvia Biondi-  "Gender Stereotypes in Reality TV: An Investigation of "The Real World"
"Cultivation is the cumulative process by which television fosters beliefs about social reality, as the idea that only repetitive, long range and consistent exposure to patterns common to most programming such as casting, social typing and the fate of different social types can be expected to cultivate stable and widely shared images of life and society".- page 2 chapter 1

"stereotypes of women continue to occur. in prime time television, men still outnumber in a way that over represent male population and under represent the female population" - PAGE 3 chapter 1- Relates to smurfette principal.

Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family By David Knox, Caroline Schacht 

"Androgyny refers to a blend of traits that are stereotypically associated with both masculinity and femininity. However such transcendence is not equal for women and men. Although females are becoming more masculine partly because our society values whatever is masculine, men are not becoming more feminine."

- Page 103 Chapter- How are gender roles changing?

Politics, Society, and the Media By Paul Wingfield Nesbitt-Larking

"In the liberal-Pluralist view the media are seen as mirrors reflective of the achieved cultural consensus. In a capitalist society, freedom of the press and market competition ensure that all pertinent viewpoints are expressed and available to all consumers" Page 83- Chapter 4

Issues In Americanisation And Culture By Neil Campbell, Jude Davies, George McKay

"America Shapes the way non-Americans live and think"
-Chapter 1 page 1 

Video analysis 

Using CLAMPS to analyse this video we can clearly see how Amy and Benny are dressed differently which refers to their character types as we have penny in a blue dress and Amy in a cardigan, which shows the different type of women in society and how we objectigy certain ones as with penny in the dress she is clearly there to attract the male gaze where as amy is there for the comedy (sexy vs normal girl). Furthermore we see the lighting bright but coming from the lamps etc from within the scene refering to the comedy genre and the "normal" daily life idea to go with the sitcom ideologies which is one to present a normal life style so audineces can relate to the scene and the show. and with the actors we see how penny and amy are talking about the men in their life which relates to the "Bechdel Test" which was created by feminists which is a test that movies within the oscars had to pass in order to see if the film was "female friendly" and the test consisted of two or more women in the cast, the women are in the same scene together and if they talk more then 30 seconds and are they talking anything besides men. Which we see in the scene big bang theory fails at as Penny and Amy are talking about "guy problems" with each other the stereotypical "girls night out", not really representing females as independent and career oriented. And also the props within the scene we see Penny trying to remove facial hair of Amy which again refers to the female physical oreientation as society has this "picture perfect" image of females and with Amy trying to conform to "her blonde friends ways" we see that society forces women to conform to the social norms and female audiences accept this representation of themselves. Lastly the fact the audience are watching their "private beauty sessions" it gives a sense of voyeurism as we are invading women's personal life, and that it is a norm to know what goes on behind close doors of women's life. 

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